The Energy Security Agency (ESA) is proud to partner with companies like Stellantis.
Our comprehensive services are able to support your organization as it safely navigates hybrid and electric vehicles.
Your safety and the protection of your property is always first with the ESA!
Lets get you up to Speed on how the ESA can support you
The ESA offers two levels of online, ESA certified training for service and collision centers. These trainings prepare your personal to not only safely interact with hybrid and electric vehicles but to also respond to emergencies and manage damaged/defective batteries.
Awareness Level – This training is offered online. In the Awareness Level training participants will learn hybrid and electric vehicle safety, service operations, high voltage shutdown procedures using low voltage interlock systems, identifying thermal events, utilizing the ESA inspection services and much more. An Awareness level certificate is issued upon completion of the course. To learn more fill out the Stellantis information request form.
Operations Level – the ESA Online Operations Level training is presented to organizations who are serious about electric and hybrid vehicle interaction. Thermal event emergency response, damage/defective battery handling, High voltage shutdown utilizing interlock and high voltage pathways is covered along with battery pack removal, high voltage personal protective equipment (PPE), enclosure testing trigger points, battery diagnostics and more. To learn more fill out the Stellantis information request form.
Risk Analysis should be conducted by service professionals for EVERY hybrid and electric vehicle that has been involved in a collision, fire or water submersion event. It’s simple to participate in the ESA Risk Analysis services.
- First get the app for your team. Visit the Stellantis information request form. Fill out the informational request form and check the “Risk Analysis App” box. You will receive a registration form for the App download, instructions and login credentials for each employee.
- Start using the app right away. First log in, then start a new assessment by uploading photos of the vehicle. The ESA Risk Analysis agents will take it form there by providing real time guidance though the APP, high voltage shutdown instructions, isolation recommendations and placard assignment will all be addressed for each vehicle.
- Follow the recommendations given by the ESA Risk Analysis Agent.
The ESA will NOT bill your organization for the service. In some cases the ESA does bill the vehicle insurance company or vehicle owner and this information may be requested. Please support the ESA billing support team by providing relative information when requested.
Commonly Asked Question About Risk Analysis
How do I get more placard stickers?
Your first delivery of stickers is provided at no cost, get more Placard Stickers at the ESA store –
Does the ESA Charge for Risk Analysis?
The ESA will NEVER bill you for Risk Analysis Services. In some cases the ESA will bill the vehicle insurance provider. Please cooperate with the ESA billing support team by providing insurance information (when available) if requested by the ESA billing support team.
Can I charge more for storage of a isolated vehicle when recommended by the ESA?
Although the ESA does not make any specific recommendations regarding your fees for the storage of vehicles we are aware of the additional space and/or expenses surrounding vehicle isolation. If your company (when legally allowed) is following the ESA recommendations for isolation the ESA will support your organization with third party documentation. This can be useful in justifying the need for additional fees when billing for storage. To request supporting documents please request them at and reference the inspection session ID number.
When do I engage the ESA for a Risk Analysis Inspection?
Risk Analysis should be conducted every time you are bringing a hybrid or electric vehicle on to your property that has been in a collision, fire, has a known high voltage electric issue, or was submerged in water.
The ESA offers Site and Facility planning for handling electric and hybrid vehicles. These services include hazard mitigation, storage and isolation construction & planning, tools, equipment and materials consulting and more. For More information on Site & Facility Planning check the “Site and Facility Planning” Box on the Stellantis information request form.
The Energy Security Agency has a long successful track record managing incidents involving Lithium-Ion Batteries. If your facility has an incident involving of any type of lithium ion batteries the ESA can help. These incidents can be complex and may require very specific handling and discharging of the batteries. In addition special permits and packing procedures are required by the Department of Transportation even for short distances from an incident location. The ESA can help you manage these incidents 24/7 by calling us at 1-855-ESA-SAFE.
The EV Safety Shop
Being prepared with the right tools, PPE and equipment to safely and effectively handle electric and hybrid vehicles is critical. The ESA makes this easy at our online EV SHOP. We have put together kits specifically designed for towing and body shop professionals. Easy to order and affordable kits are available at
Whether you are servicing an electric vehicle or experienced a major battery incident the Energy Security Agency can support your efforts, mitigate liability and ensure safety. We are proud to support our ESA partners around the world
Thank You for Enrolling in the ESA Partner Program
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